Saturday, January 23, 2021

Happy New Year's Holiday and Hope in 2021


Hello everyone !! happy new year! Today I will share my experience during the 1st semester of vacation, the first day of my vacation I feel bored because there are no activities I can do other than playing cellphones, so on the first day I just watched movies and played games on my cellphone, even on the second day still the same I feel very bored because I am just at home and I have no activities whatsoever, I only sleep and play cellphones, on the third day to be precise on Saturday I decided to go home with my family because I felt very bored in Jakarta, I also went to my village which is in West Java, there is a bit different because I wake up early and have activities such as helping my parents and I also draw graffiti on the wall with paint, in my opinion semester 1 holidays are not too fun because I can't leave the house , it doesn't feel like it's December 29 and I returned home to Jakarta to celebrate the new year, on the new year I left the house and get together with my friends.

My hope in 2021:

1. of course I want the corona virus to quickly disappear from this world because I want to go to school to learn directly, and I also want to meet my friends at school to study together and play together

2. I also hope that this year all the things I want will quickly come true

thank you for your attention, see you in the next blog



Hello all! today I will tell you about the announcement.

Announcement is a written or oral statement in public or formal words that contains information about an event that has occurred or is about to occur so that the public knows what, when and where it is.

The function of the announcement is to provide information to the reader about what is happening or what is going to happen.

Announcements have 4 general structures:

1. Stating Purpose: Text that contains what event will be held

2. Stating Day and Date: Day and Date of realization. Text containing about when the event will be held

3. Declare Place: Text containing where the event will be held

4. Informing Sender: Text that contains the name of the person to be contacted


Explanation explains in detail the title that you have provided. Usually the explanation consists of several parts, including:

-Type of activity (type of event)

-Date and time (date and time)

-Place (place)


-Address (address)

There are several things that can be used as the topic of the announcement text, including:


-Race winner

-job vacancy


This is the announcement poster that i made about a  The Annual School Talent Show

This is my task :

This is My Vidio

Recreation Place


National Monument

The National Monument or usually called as Monas is located in Central Jakarta, Indonesia. This obelisk was built in 1961 with the purpose to commemorate the struggle and fight of the people in Indonesia to achieve their independence. It was opened to the public in 1975.

The National Monument is a rectangular tower with the height of 132 meters. The typical part of the building that became a special characteristic of it is the flame shape covered with gold foil located on the top of the tower. There is a museum at the base part of the tower with the size of 80 x 80 meters. Everyone can visit the museum to learn the history of Indonesia. There is also an amphitheater in this building called Ruang Kemerdekaan, it is located in the "cup" part of Monas and it can be reached by using spiral stairs at the north and south doors. If you go to the southern side of the building, you will find an elevator that can be use to access the top platform where we will find the observation deck and also the flame of independence.

is my assignment on page 74-75

Descriptive Text


Hallo Every One!! how are you today? i hope your fine, this time i want to tell you...

Descriptive Text About Taj Mahal

    Taj Mahal or The Taj is a well known architectural object in India for its finest design which combine elements from India, Persian and Islamic architectural style. This historical buildings was built on the south bank of the Yamuna river in Agra. It represents the story of Eternal Love of the Mughal Emperor, Shah Jahan, to his dearest wife Mumtaz Mahal. In 1983 UNESCO place Taj Mahal into the list of World Heritage Site and consider it as “the jewel of Muslim art in India and one of the universally admired masterpieces of the world’s heritage”.
    Taj Mahal is a very large tomb made of ivory-white marble. The building looks like a mosque, a place for a moslem to pray. Once we see it, we will get the impression that Islamic architectural style is very strong in the building, starting with the wall and the calligraphy decorations on it, a huge dome on top of the building along with 4 minarets on every corner of the base walls. The dome is also made of marble with size nearly 35 meters and the top of it is decorated with a lotus design. The minarets is also decorated with a very detailed lotus motif.
    If we come from the main entrance, we will see a large pool in front of the building, this pool is called the reflecting pool as it will reflect the image of The Taj to the sky. Once we enter the building, we will find that there are more decorations on the inner wall. The tomb as the central focus of the building is located at the lower level. The graves of Mumtaz Mahal and Shah Jahan were positioned next to each other in a large room with Persian style decorations.

It is my assignment on page 60 of descriptive text to describe the building of the Taj Mahal



Planning (perencanaan)


     Planning is a process that defines the goals of the organization, makes strategies used to achieve the goals of the organization, and develops an organizational work activity plan.

    Plans (plans) can be in the form of informal plans or formal plans. Informal plans are unwritten plans and are not part of the common goal of organizational members. Meanwhile, the definition of a formal plan is a written plan that must be implemented by the organization within a certain period of time.

Benefits of Planning

1. Make it easier to achieve goals

2. Make it easier to identify problems, so that obstacles are easier to remove.

3. Shorten the time to achieve goals. With careful planning, you can get the goals you want faster.

My Plans After the Corona Pandemic ends

1. Get excited again

The first thing I will do when the corona pandemic has ended is to get excited about doing my routine outside the home as usual. arousing a sense of enthusiasm for activities outside the home is not easy, because it is used to it inside the house. and then I'll go to a place that will make me excited again, that place is school. Because school can make me excited again to do good things such as: studying with friends, playing, and most importantly we can meet in person.

2. Continuing a Healthy Lifestyle

During the corona virus pandemic, all humans are required to adopt a healthy life by doing physical activity, eating healthy food, and maintaining a clean environment as a preventive measure for the corona virus. Therefore, when the corona virus pandemic has ended, what I will do is carry out a healthy lifestyle and maintain a healthy body by exercising outside the home.

3. Vacation to Refresh the Mind

The third thing I can do after the corona virus pandemic is over is to refresh my mind by means of a vacation. Boredom and tiredness during self-isolation at home may make the mind tired. therefore I will go on vacation to make my mind fresh and not stressed, I would like to go to a place that will make me calm down and comfortable.



Hallo every one !! this time i want to tell you about complimenting
What is Compliment?
Compliment is an expression that we show or say to express/give praise. Some people use compliments to "butter up" somebody or to flatter in order to increase good will. Complement is for anyone you have occasion to talk with (friends, family, colleagues, and even strangers).
Complement is express to praise about:

- something people have
- something people did
- something people said

The Expression of Complement:
- That's a beautiful dress!
- What a lovely shoes!
- You did very well

The Responses of Compliment:
- Thank you
- Really? Thanks
- Thank you for saying so

Let's see the examples:
Dyan : That's lovely bag, Mika. Is it new?
Mika : Yes, it is. It's a gift from my mother.
Dyan : is really suits on you.
Mika : Really? Thank you Dyan

Giving sincere compliments is a great positive boost! But compliments are not only good for the recipient, but also good for the person giving them. When you go to great lengths to say something nice and give people wise compliments, it strengthens your self-confidence and maintains your self-worth.
You can make someone's day fun by sharing your positivity in the form of a genuine compliment.

This is my experience when i compliment my friend

This is My Vidio



Hi everyone! How are you?  Today’s blog topic is about congratulating.

What is Congratulation?

Congratulation is an expression that we use to give the congratulation utterance when he/she success in doing something.

Kinds of Congratulations:

- Congratulation of someone's success

- Happy Birthday

- Merry Christmas

- Happy New Year

- Happy Valentine

- Happy Anniversary

The expression of Congratulation

- Congratulation!

- Congratulation on your promotion

- Congratulation for your graduate

The Responses of congratulation:

- Thank you

- Thanks, I hope you so

- Thanks, I needed that


Syamma : Congratulations on your 15th birthday, Wulana.

Wulana : Thank you, Syamma.

Syamma : You look charming in that black gown.

Wulana : Thank you for saying so, you look charming too.

I’m gonna share my experience when I congratulate my friend, Haris

I congratulate him because today is him birthday. I send him a message via Whatsapp aplication and I also send him a happy birthday card.

He is very happy because I wish him a happy birthday. I am happy for him too.

This is my vidio :

Thank you so much for reading this blog, I hope you li ke it. See you on my next blog :)

Introduce My New Friend

 Hallo Everyone!!

This time I want to talk about my new friend in high school, his complete name is Muhammad Habil, he is usually called Abil or Habil. He is the third of 3 siblings. He lives in Jl. Kembang Sepatu my number home is 1C, Central Jakarta. He hobbies is Playing Football and Singing.

This is him :

This is my chating with him in WhatsApp application:

I got his number phone from my class whatsapp group, he is kind of lazy but I like to befriend him because he is nice.

After I sent my email name, we immediately chat and chat via email, I think this can make my friendship closer to Habil. I like to be friends with him because he is kind and cool.

Friday, January 22, 2021

Introduce My Self


Hallo my name is Mochamad Randy, you can call me is Randy or Rendy, I live in Jl. Tanah Tinggi Sawah and my number home is 33, Im 16 years old right now.

I was graduated from junior high school 28. And from class IX-F. My school is big and safety.

Finally I graduated, after I gaduated I entered high school and I entered SMA NEGERI 27 JAKARTA. I entered SMAN 27 because the school is very large and the students are outstanding.

My hobby is drawing graffiti, I learned to draw graffiti since I was in elementary school, and now I have made many drawings. example above.

I want to tell a little while I study online.  Online learning does make me more relaxed in doing the tasks given and at the same time I can also help mom to clean the house.  But there are some things that make me sad by the current situation, since the corona virus is endemic in Indonesia, I can't meet my friends anymore, and even in being active I am not free and limited.



Thursday, January 21, 2021

Past Tense VS Past Perfect Tense

Hello guys  ! How was your day? i hope u always happy and healty, right !!!

Now i'd like to tell you bout simple present tense and past tense. Previously, i will explained what past tense and perfect tense are.

The Simple Past tense is a form of tense that describes an event that occurred at a specific time in the past. To form a simple past tense sentence, the formula is as follows

S + Verb 2 + O

In the simple past tense, the verb used is the second form of the verb. There are two types of verbs, namely regular verbs and irregular verbs. For regular verbs, add -ed / -d after the first form verb. As an example:

- I went to Singapore

- I lived in Paris In 2005

- They Ate Thai food Last week

And also The Present Perfect tense is a form of verb that is used to express an action  or situation that has started in the past and is still continuing untill now  or has been completed at a certain point in time in the past but the effect is still continuing.

The present perfect tense is formed with the auxiliary verb have or has, and the past participle (verb-3). Have is used for I, you, and plural subjects such as:

          - Plural pronoun (they, we)

          - plural noun ( boys,men)

          -  Compound Subject with the conjuntion " and" ( you and I , Doni and Damar)

And then below are the tasks that I am working on this week


Rio: Have you ever been to Japan? (Pernahkah kamu ke Jepang?)

Saka: Of course not. What do you think, I’m rich? (Tentu saja tidak. Pikirmu aku ini kaya?)

Rio : Well, what if we go there once all my business here is done? (Oke, bagaimana kalau kita pergi ke sana saat semua urusanku di sini sudah beres?)

Saka : Hmm… I have never been on a plane either. (Hmm… Aku juga belum pernah naik pesawat.)

Rio : Then we’ll shot two birds with one stone. (Kalau begitu kita bisa menembak dua burung dengan sebuah batu.)

Saka : But do you think I’ll like it? Japan? (Tapi menurutmu aku akan menyukainya, nggak? Jepang?)

Rio: Sure. I’ll try and take you on the spring. We could see the cherry blossom, blossoming under the snow. It’s such a beautiful sight. (Tentu saja. Aku akan berusaha dan membawamu ke sana saat musim semi. Kita bisa melihat bunga sakura, mekar di antara salju. Pemandangan yang indah.)

Saka: Wow, I have never even been to a place that has snow in it. (Wow, aku bahkan nggak pernah pergi ke tempat yang bersalju.)

Rio : That’s why I need to take you there. (Makanya aku harus membawamu ke sana.)

Saka : Well, all right then. As you wish. (Baiklah kalau begitu. Terserah padamu saja.)


Narative Text 2

 Hallo Every One !!! Welcome back, how are you? I hope you're okay The topic this time is making narrative text. Previously ...